Sunday, January 9, 2011

School Culture - Searching Information for Project Paper

High commitment and high performance seem to be distinguishing features of schools with a healthy organizational culture and high staff well-being (Sergiovanni, 2006).

Tim Tilmone, (2002) states that changing a toxic school culture into a healthy school culture that inspires lifelong learning among students and adults is the greatest challenge of instructional leadership.

A working definition from Roland Barth defines school culture as "how we do things around here,"(Delisio, 2006). Wagner expands on that definition. School culture, he says, is shared experiences both in and out of school, such as traditions and celebrations, a sense of community, of family and, team."

A school leader today is supposed to act as an entrepreneur, a person of vision, able to inspire, empower and motivate his staff (Aelterman et al., 2008). In explaining the leadership role of a principal, (Edward Redalen, 2007) states that what seems to be emerging is the need for leaders, at any level, to combine clear aspirations of what the organization is trying to become, with skills and dispositions to energize a productive staff and constant attention on meeting or exceeding the needs of students and the parents/community.

5 komen:

ko cari maklumat utk projek papaer kau ke faris?

apa yg boleh aku bantu.....????

Bahan-bahan berkaitan budaya sekolah dari aspek fizikal, tradisi, akademik, dll yang membawa kepada kecemerlangan akademik dan sekolah. Kau tolong aku cari softcopy untuk latest 5 tahun ke belekang iaitu selepas tahun 2005. Kalau tahun sebelum tu, tak boleh pakai.
TK kerana sudi membantu.

insyaallah kalau ada aku nanti emailkan ko.....tapi ambil masa sikit...ko kan tahu tabiat aku ni,....mmg suka tangguh2kan keja. hehehee...budaya keja le ni.

JM n YBS tak nak tlg member kita ke?