Hari ini sekolah saya telah diarah menghantar segala dokumen bagi tujuan audit tahun 2008. Dah terlanjur bercakap tengan kewangan, saya telah mengambil beberapa perkara penting melalui buletin yang diterbitkan oleh INTAN berkaitan dengan Integriti dan Akauntabiliti.
INTEGRITY and ACCOUNTABILITY are buzzwords in the current public administration. These words are often heard and repeated by various quarters. Integrity and accountability are extremely important elements in ensuring good financial management in any entity, be it public or private. What do these terms actually mean?
Integrity as defined in the Oxford Dictionary is quality of being honest and upright in character. Collin English Dictionary, it is defined as adherence to moral principles, honesty, wholeness and soundness. Integrity is often misunderstood or interpreted as only encompassing corruption. Corruption is actually only one of the elements that affect integrity. It encompasses a wide range of elements such as honesty, trustworthiness, adhering to proper code of conduct and having good values and ethics.
Accountability as defined in the Oxford Advanced Learners dictionary means a requirement to give an explanation of one’s actions, expenditures. Accountability refers to the ability to call public officials, private employers or service providers to account, requiring that they be answerable for their policies, actions and use of funds. Jabbra and Dwivedi said “Accountability is the fundamental pre-requisite for preventing the abuse of delegated power and for ensuring instead that power is directed towards the achievement of broadly accepted national goals with the greatest degree of efficiency, effectiveness, probity and prudence”.
Penjawat awam yang cemerlang dan berkualiti seharusnya mengetahui, memahami, mengamalkan, menghayati dan menjiwai nilai-nilai integriti dan konsep akauntabiliti yang bersandarkan kepada kesahihan legaliti.
Sesiapa yang telah dilantik bagi menguruskan sesuatu tugas dan dibayar gaji, maka sesuatu yang diambil selain gaji tidak lain melainkan penipuan.
Whoever is hired to do a task and be paid, whatever is received other that that is squandering.
Petikan ini tidak lain dan tidak bukan sekadar peringatan kepada diri sendiri agar sentiasa melaksanakan integriti, akauntabiliti dan legaliti dalam pengurusan kewangan. TK.
Trip ke Da Nang, Vietnam
9 months ago
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foundations of ethics and reflect individual and societal backgrounds therefore as the world “integrates” more developing an agreed set of organizational values becomes a greater challenge.
The responsibility to set the example around organizational behavior (things need managing but people need leadership)
Ethical leadership—the mental construct—challenges one to live, and work, as a moral leader.
Moral leadership—the enacted process—honors personal integrity and responds to the needs of others in promoting justice as well as preventing harm.
In sum, ethical leadership as conceptual structure engenders moral leadership as practical action.
an Authentic leadership is centrally concerned with ethics and morality and with deciding what is significant, what is right and what is worthwhile.
goodluck ..,being an authencity leader. sory panjang pulak...
Thanks Rosnah for Ur comments and ideas. Semmgnya pemimpin perlu ada asas etika, moral dan autentik agar mereka terus boleh memimpin subordinat dgn baik.
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