One. Self-Mastery: maximizing personal potential.
* The keys to sustaining credibility, even in the face of skepticism.
* Identifying and using the power of shared values.
* The most overlooked factor in professional growth and how you can use it right away.
Two. Stewardship: the strategic deployment of resources.
* The leader's only three resources: everyone has them but leaders make history with them.
* Developing the power of focus.
* Creating shared focus, taking your followers along with you.
Three. Visioning: creating the future.
* Developing a forward agenda: leave mere goals behind with this little-known tool.
* How to go from being creative to innovative.
* The risk myth: how leaders handle risk differently than assumed.
Four. Persuasive Communication: selling the vision.
* Helping others see the vision with clear communication.
* Three keys to persuasion: without these, you're just telling instead of selling.
* Fostering positive discontent for positive results.
Five. Teamwork: enabling followers to fully cooperate and collaborate.
* The power strategy for developing a team of leaders.
* The importance of shared respect.
* A blueprint for making teamwork work.
Six. Service: fulfillment through contribution.
* How to get and stay motivated when you're the motivator.
* Knowing when the price you pay is too high, and what to do about it.
* The six most common reasons why leaders fail, and how you can keep them from sidelining you.
Trip ke Da Nang, Vietnam
9 months ago
2 komen:
lain orang buat masters ni...sejak akhir akhir ni blog kau, terlalu ilmiah faris, banyak dapat dikongsikan.. terima kasih faris. kau memang suka kongsi kongsi, tapi jangan sampai kau terkongsi menda lain....aku nak tanya kau, kau belajar tinggi tingi nak cari ilmu, dimana matinya ilmu?
Ilmiah tu kerana bertujuan untuk mengingat apa yang telah dibaca. Disamping baca sendiri, nak juga suruh rakan2 baca. Ilmu yang dimanfaatkan adalah ilmu yang akan sentiasa berkembang dan memberi pahala kepada kita apabila disebarkan.
Ada perkara yang boleh dikongsi dan ada yang tak boleh dikongsi. Kau faham ajelah sendiri. Ilmu dan segala yang bukan milik peribadi kita boleh dikongsi.
Tentang belajar tinggi2 ni tidak membazir Sof. Selain menambah ilmu pengetahuan, secara tidak langsung ia membentuk keperibadian kita serta meletakkan kita di satu tahap yang terbaik. Ilmu tidak akan mati Sof, selari dengan hadis Rasulullah yang menyarankan kita menuntut ilmu sehingga ke akhir hayat. Kau doakan saja aku terus kuat semangat untuk menamatkan master ni. Dugaan dan cabarannya hebat.
Sorrylah kalau lately ni entri aku terlebih ilmiah. Almaklum kerana sekarang ni sedang bergelumang dengan assignment yang banyak. Kena sulam dan selang selikan antara ilmiah dan santai. TK.
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